V1.1.1 Hotfix
V1.1.1 Hotfix, mostly to correct some oversights and add additional compatibility to the Qipao outfit pack for those who want a more refined experience with the new content.
If you experience any clipping when using the Qipao Outfit I recommend redownloading the updated avatar and rebind any outfits to the new version.
- Adjusted the bounding box of all outfits and objects
-Improved some weight painting on the body mesh
- Added additional shapekeys to conform the body to the Qipao Outfit Pack
- Reduced the file size of most blend files
- Added blendshape optimization to the main avatar, which should cut down on VRAM usage
- Tweaked the Gloves A blendshapes to prevent some unwanted clipping
To do list:
- Textures may need some cleaning up on the body
- Add gesture controls which hide the claws when making a closed fist, to prevent them from showing through
- Some clipping still occurs when combining Gloves A shape toggles with the glove size slider